I worked for many years as a leader in high-pressure corporate environments.  I progressed quickly and was consistently rated as a high performer. I was well paid and appeared successful in my work.

However, for a long time, I felt lost and stuck in a cycle of stress and self-doubt.  My skin and digestive system were a mess.  I was grappling with my sense of purpose, pretending to be something I wasn’t. I pushed myself to burnout, trying to live up to the expectations of others and the impossibly high expectations I had for myself.

I often had ideas of how I would like to change my career. I’d complete a course and discover new passions, but when it came to creating change, my inner voice told me that I wasn’t good enough. I had a deep fear of being judged or criticised by others, so I would hide who I was, afraid of being seen as different or too much.

My first experience with burnout was many years ago, not that I realised it at the time.   Rather than seeing my state as what it was, a clear sign that my habits and behaviours were unsustainable, I took it to heart. Everyone else seemed to have it together; what was wrong with me?

It took me having to experience burnout multiple times before I realised the crux of the problem went much deeper than self-care and time management. The issue was an internal one. I had pushed aside my true nature, chased external approval and disconnected from who I really was and what wanted.

The day I enrolled on my first yoga teacher training course, it was like a light was turned on.  I found the tools to calm my mind, reconnect to my body and transform my health. My yoga studies naturally progressed to studying personal growth, holistic health and coaching.  Being honest with myself was a game-changer. With the help of my coach, I got clear on who I was and what I wanted, and I began to face up to the fears surrounding these choices.  I became more confident, and more trusting in people, myself, and my intuition.  The more I trusted, the more I grew, and so did my career. 

 Many years later, my life is dramatically different. As a coach, I help other heart-centred and ambitious souls, like you, to channel your gifts and become who you are meant to be.   I work and lead in a way that achieves powerful results and honours my sensitive nature. 

“I am excited and passionate about my work. There was a time when I believed that this was something that only happened to other people”

I am lucky to have coached many amazing people and have realised that many of us have a lot in common. We have all at some point struggled with stress, emotional overwhelm, and a strong internal voice that holds us back.  Many of us are exhausted from not being true to ourselves, sharing a deep desire for more fulfilment and to change the way we work and live.  



There is a turning point in every good story. It’s the moment the hero does things differently and sets their life on a whole new path – either by choice or by force.  Do you choose to remain in fear of the unknown, or do you turn towards creating a life and career you love?

It is our choices that show us who we are.  

With love,

Sarah x

“When we wake up to our unique gifts and brilliance, it's like magic.

If my work can help people do that, I’ve fulfilled my mission.”